Travel Alert: New direct morning flights between Newcastle and the Gold Coast commence 24th March

At The Terminal

Check-in opens 1 hour before departure. We recommend that all passengers be checked-in at least 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

Check-in will close strictly 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure time. We recommend presenting to your departure gate lounge atleast 15 minutes prior to departure for boarding. 

To help ensure an on time departure for yourself and fellow passengers, you should aim to arrive at the airport with sufficient time to complete check-in and make your way through security.


Check-In & Gate Locations

Ballina (Byron Bay)

FlyPelican operate from the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport.

For further information about the airport (including getting to/from the airport and parking) click here.



FlyPelican check-in at Canberra Airport is located in the main check-in area at Counter 16. Once you have checked in, make your way back to passenger screening and through to the departures area.

At Canberra Airport, FlyPelican flights usually depart from Gate 3, however our staff will notify you of your departure gate at check-in. You can also check the departure information boards for any gate changes after check-in.

For more information about the services and facilities available at Canberra Airport (including getting to/from the airport and parking) click here.

For a map of the Canberra Airport terminal click here.



FlyPelican flights from Mudgee operate from the Mudgee Airport Terminal building.

For information about Mudgee Airport click here.



FlyPelican operate from Newcastle Airport (Williamtown). Our check-in facilities are located in the main check-in area. Once our staff check you in and advise you of your departure gate, make your way through passenger screening to the departure lounge to relax before your flight.

For more information about the services and facilities at Newcastle Airport (including getting to/from the airport and parking) click here.



FlyPelican operate out of T2 at Sydney Domestic Airport and our check-in desk is located in the middle of the main departures hall.

Once you've checked-in, make your way through passenger security screening and down to the lower departures level. Our flights depart from Gate G1 which is located just past the food court as you head towards departure gates 49-59.

If you're arriving on an international flight (T1), you can take advantage of several terminal transfer options servicing Sydney Airport - click here for more information.

For a map of T2 and other terminals click here.

For additional information regarding the services and facilities at Sydney Airport (including getting to/from the airport and parking) click here.



FlyPelican flights from Cobar operate from the Cobar Airport Terminal building.

For information about Cobar Airport click here.